Either an almost empty container of petrol is more dangerous or a fully filled container ?

Hey I am Rahul & its my first post here..Well friends I want to ask you a very simple question.
My question is "either an almost empty container of petrol is more dangerous or a fully filled container."
Well most of you will be thinking that what a silly and easy question is this . But friends neither it is silly nor easy.
About 95% people will answer that it will be fully filled container.
If I ask them about the reason of this than they will answer that since fire require a continous supply of fuel and that will be their when container will full of petrol.
From their point of view they are correct but from scientific point of view they are absolutely wrong. Now a question arises that why it happens?
Let us talk about the reason behind this. Well when we talk about container small or big doesn't matter but the thing which matters is amount of air present in container. Isn't shocking. But it's true. For an explosion the only thing responsible is amount of air present inside the container. When the ratio of liquid fuel and air present in container is 1:15 than it is most explosive. This is the reason that most of the raod explosion takes place when the petrol tanker is empty.
And this is the reason that when we shoot a almost empty bottle of kerosene than a explosion takes place but when we shoot a full filled bottle of kerosene than no explosion takes place.
Thank you friends
Hope you have enjoyed it
Be safe, be smart, take care & good bye


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.